How ARE the taxi company's working these days? Are they leasing companies...or are they "real" cab companies? The PSC (I know..the Nebraska Public Service Commision should be out of the loop and juristiction bound over to the individual cites, counties, or whatever...but that is yet another bitch session) is actually listening to "The People" (taxi drivers and a few polititions) that are the foundation of taxi protocol in Omaha at least. How do I know this, and KNOW this to be true you ask? I have friends in high (and low..of course) places...and there is a BIG change coming that will change the face of the taxi business in the future...You'all may not see it but it is definitely on the horizon. Those of you that folllow this know what is going on already...and it is not all "cab rumors" Keep the peace brothers and know who you are.
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