Omaha Taxi Dot Com

Just 'cabbin the streets of "O"

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Life is good. Wonderous things sometimes happen in the taxi-universe world. The perfect number of cabs on the streets divided by the amount of orders the public demands can be a mathamatical and statistical heaven. (Or nightmare if the numbers are out of kilter!) Tonight we achieved the Tao of cabbiedom. Ommmmm. It really was a sight to behold with all the hacks booking some real cash, none loggged for hours at one or more cab-stands and none of the "vulture-circling over the carion" so prevelent in the weeks of past. Now ...keep it like that oh omipinent owners. Ommmmmm... *Sigh*

My face will change in the next few weeks as little tiny hairs develops on my double chins...(I have several) I will be growing a "Goat" and I don't give a rats ass what it looks like...I am sick to death of shaving...What goofball thought up this shaving business for men anyway? More to come on that later...Promise!

A speeding, full size bus apeared out of nowhere at, what I think is, one of the most dangerous intersections in the metro area. Drivers of all vehicles should pay special attention to a certain wee-hour hot spot in the heart of mid-town (Or what I call midtown) That intersection is at Park Avenue and Woolworth when the traffic signals are flashing red (on South/Northbound Park Ave.) and flashing yellow (on the BLIND UPHILL East/West Woolworth Street). What "genius" street engineer figured this one out. Now I am no "Einstein", but common sense (again, uncommon) dictates that the "BLIND" UPHILL approach should be the one street that had the flashing red lights (which means ...STOP) But NOOOOOOOOO...The flashing red is on the Park Ave way and the Woolworth way is the "rush through" flashing yellow....Huh? DUH!

The thing that troubled me the most about the "almost" demise of Rosie and cab #30 is that, "I was expecting it" Yes, I pay special attention there and when that HUGE speeding bus appeared, I almost shit myself. After locking up my brakes (which thankfully were overhauled within the week) I missed the bus by a few inches. All I remember seeing was a HUGE vehicle zipping in front of me. Mark my words here..."Someone will be seriously hurt at that intersection until they change it to a more logical traffic control.

I plan on contacting Omaha Traffic Engineers this morning (If I can stay awake until they show up to work)...which is NOW!

Peace...and keep your hands on the wheel and for God's sake...quit daydreaming...driving is some serious stuff! And Remember...leave ALL the driving to us if you plan on drinking alcohol. You can get hurt or die very easy when driving SOBER....I know!