Well, Omaha is putting on the party for Warren Buffets crew again this year. Many parties, food, sales and oh, of course, one big stock holders meeting. For those of you not native to this area, or have been watching "Mr. Personality a little too many times, its Uncle Warren Buffets annual stockholders meeting for Berkshire Hathaway. Those of you wanting to pick up a couple of shares to go, your cost would be $69800.00/share as of 4:03pm...wow!
...sorry uncle Warren. but here is a link to Berkshire Hathaways site: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/
In other news...If you go to "The NATIONAL DIRECTORY of On-Line Taxicab Reservation Services" http://taxicabreservations.com/national.htm
and scroll down to NEBRASKA...you will find a link to this site. Go to the Upper Right hand corner to put in your Reservations.
And...We will be trying to contact every cab driver in the Omaha area to see about forming a Taxi Drivers Association in order to have a voice in some things that go on around this great city of ours..... And in my opinion this is WAY long overdue. Watch out City HAll because I smell a TaxiCab Commission here in the very near future. We need this with all the conventions coming in the future.
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