Playing hooky from work tonight. I have been perplexed....Quiting a company that I like... to go become a lease driver for a company that does not have the business that my company has,... sounds like a REAL dumb ass idea. Bu...ttt (there is ALWAYS a "BUT"....) the flexibility of leasing a cab is just too appealing. AND...(There is often an ..."AND"...) with my personality and vast knowledge (O, GOD...Here I go again.....) of people, I feel that I can make it on my own. ...anyway.. Here is the bottom line...I want to try because, In my opinion, it is better to try and fail than to have NEVER tried at all. End of story. Now...
the highlights of last night...I lost 2 "ladies of the evening" (Crackwhores, I believe...) in a dead cell phone incident...another driver got real screwed up on some dope that the fares were smoking in the back seat of his cab....20 people get off at Amtrack and NOT one wanted a cab...story of my life....To Be continued...
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