I know if you're seeing a psychiatrist, the name of your doctor, if you're lonely, a pervert, where you shop, where you eat, where you go to church, whether you're gay or straight, where you work, where you get your hair done, what kind of liquor you drink, where you drink it, whether you play the stock market. I know if you're single, married, divorced, having an affair, play the lottery skipping school, running away. I know if you take drugs; where you buy them. I know if you're on your way to jail, getting out, visiting someone. I know your political affiliation, where you vote, where your church is, I know if your agnostic, heathen, the perfume you wear, if you smoke, quit,or hate smoking. I know if you have pets, their medical history, the condition of your property, if you're getting a tax refund, whether you pay or don't file. I know if you're a sportsman, a racist, a loner, a lover, a professional, a laborer or a bum. I know what you think of your boss, what you boss thinks of you. I know if you're cheating on your wife, or husband, how large your family is, where you were born, your nationality. I know if you are on disability, unemployment, pensioned, on welfare, retired military, won at the racetrack or bingo. I know if you're rich, poor, sad, or happy. I know your hospital, pharmacist, medications; whether you party or stay at home, your favorite music, the name of your pet, your mannerisms, your secret recipes, if you cook, are meek, mild, weak or strong. I know if you're a phony, a giver or taker and hundreds of other things we will keep between ourselves. I am the taxi driver. I see it all, especially when picking up at emergency rooms and police stations. I know what to expect beforehand: dope addicts, accident victims, rape victims, domestic disputes, barroom fighters, drug dealers, vagrants with no money, and those who just finally collapsed. I get more information than the doctors, paramedics, or the police about what happened. Before they get out of my taxicab I know their whole medical history and all their family problems. I know what lies they told to whom. Sometimes you feel like your vocation should have been that of a priest or a minister. But no, you're just a cabbie and
you know what you need to do.
So, get out there, and LET'S ROLL!!!
This was taken (without permission*) from the highlighted website below..Good Stuff...Please read the whole "Atlanta Let's Roll Program" before forming opinion..Peace
http://www.atlantadriver.com/cops.html ...