Due to unforseen circumstances, I must become a lease driver for another cab company in the Metro area. But hey, cabbin is cabbin..hehe. You won't be disappointed in the future of this BLOG. In fact, I believe it will add a new dimension to our little enterprise here. Well, I have had 1 hour of sleep and tonight is the "MONEY" night. AND, Sunday is St. Pattys Day...Its gonna be a GREAT cabbin weekend. Goodnight.*Peace*
Friday, March 15, 2002
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
If the taxi customers of Omaha knew the business better, they probably would use Safeway a whole lot more. At our company, the business is family owned and operated. We have been in business for 43 years and take great pride in our cabbing history. Hundreds of past employees have (mostly) fond memories of their employment and the stories of Omaha past. We would love to find some of these past cabbies and dispatchers and get them to publish to this Blog. They don't even have to know how to type, we'll transcribe the stories. Our webpage here should undergo some changes in the next few weeks. Links to resturants, Omaha gossip and politics, The history of Omaha, and several other ideas have been discussed for the future. Please e-mail either of the founding fathers/mothers with your ideas. Oh yea: I did forget the stories of last Sunday night...maybe Colleen will post them...if not, I will try to querry the database of my brain for them....But, ....but
Monday, March 11, 2002
Armed Robbery is such a chickenshit crime. One of our drivers was held up on his Sunday night shift. Not big news if a cab driver is robbed. Only big news if he/she is murdered or seriously hurt. It part of the game and always in the back of the drivers minds. How to prevent? You cannot totally prevent robberies....but you can be aware of your surroundings, trust your instincts, and use a BUTTFULL of common sense...thats all. Humans have senses that are seldom understood, honed, or exercised. Good cabbies will feel this "Sixth Sense", and more important, use and TRUST IT! Mondays are historically good for me, (although I will be EXTRA cautious this evening and super-scrutinize every fare) and I expect tonight to be no different.
A couple of really good events happened last evening, and if I can remember to post them before I forget, readers will be quaintly amused (I hope!) *Peace*