We need more posters...If you know someone that drives a taxi in the Omaha area...or just drives a taxi ANYWHERE...drop me or Colleen a line and we will set you up to publish...(Of course, we have editorial power to censor any shit we don't like...haha (Just Kidding!))
Things have been very boring for me..Thats the Airport fares,,,,non-exciting, but good cash flow...I am not making much more than I did at Safeway, but I have MUCH more freedom and flexibility in my life. The only problem that I encounter is "working WAY too many hours...and that will change here shortly as I am going to set up a schedule for my working days/hours. AND, have to be very disciplined in doing so. My eyes are getting terrible and I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions?? Some people say that wearing glasses TOO much will cause your eyes to weaken and I feel that it is very possibe that this is true because if I wear my glasses for long periods, and take them off for a while, my eyesight is shit! Like I asked, ....suggestions?
I lost two very good "Personals" this week that accounted for 1/3 of my weekly lease payments. SHIT.. SHIT! but life goes on, and I will get more...I only wish that I would have taken more business with me from Safewwaaayyyyyy. Just kiddinjg!
I have been picking up booze for a "personal" but I have had to put a stop to it because he was not getting any sunshine or even coming out of his apartment building (that I knew of)...I have been delivering and making it easy for him to drink everyday without having to go to the store, getting properly dressed, or even associating with ANY humans other than me....bad deal there....I like the guy, but he is looking terrible and I am starting to feel guilty for letting him get so run down...I hope this helps him...It is no good on my wallet, but I DO have some ethics and morals left....not many ...but some...hehe
C'mon Colleen...Happy Ma's day and please write more...I love your dispatcher tales...(tell us about the new radios....)
Peace to ALL