Well, well...nice to find my way back. It is not that I don't like to write about the Omaha Taxi scene, it's just that I have a stubborness in that I llike to have something interesting to say. Unfortunatly, no fun stuff has really been going on. Except for the Happy-Yellow-Checker-Metro-Cohnhusker "operations merger", NOTHING has really been going on worth writing about. OK...maybe it's just me that is boring...Fer Christs Sake...The cab business NEVER is...
My opinion on the merger is that it was/is the best thing that has happened to the taxi industry in the Omaha area in a very long time. Fewer customer complaints and a real sense of comradry among drivers. (At least in MHO) One area that could be addressed is an upgrade to the computer dispatch system. Or maybe just put me in charge of the servers. I believe that they are not running up to par....or else they need a system wide upgrade...software/hardwsare/dispatchers...the whole ball of crap...maybe? I would love the chance to do an honest evualuation and report my findings...give me a month, I will tell them honestly what needs to be done. Maybe all that is needed is to throw money at it....that is usually the case with these computer things....he-he